Visual Studio 2008 Smart Device project connect to sql server.

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A friend of mine ran into some trouble with a smart device project these days. At first with internet connectivity on the pocket pc emulation. After some heavy swearing and a lot of tries he managed to connect to the network and then to
the sql server. There are 2 steps here:

1.Connect to the network

2.Connect to the server

1.To connect to the local network through the pocket pc emulator you must install virtual pc and Windows Mobile Device Center.

Virtual PC

Windows Mobile Device Center.

Run the Windows Mobile Device Center and use the following settings:

Windows  Mobile Center Settings

Windows Mobile Center Settings

Let it run in the background.

After you create the smart device project in visual studio you must enter Tools\Device Emulator Manager, choose the type of emulator you are using right click connect and right click cradle.



In the emulator you must go to file\Configure to the Network Tab and enable the first checkbox.

pocketpc emulator network settings

pocketpc emulator network settings

Check in the windows mobile center program if it says connected in the lower left corner. If it didn’t connect reset the settings connect mode to Bluetooth or something else, click ok, and then reset tot DMA again.

2. The sql connection string mustn’t have the name of the server. You must use the ip and the port of the machine from the network where you have sql installed, for example: “Data Source=,1433;”.

string ConnectionString = “Data Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=Companies;User ID=admin2;Password=test”;

1433 is the default port that sql server uses.

If you try now it still won’t work.

You must enter in sql server configuration manager\sql server network configuration\protocols and enable TCP/IP, then go to sql server native client configuration\client protocols and enable TCP/IP here also.

Double click on the TCP\IP from network Configuration\protocols, enter the IP ADDRESSES tab and delete from top to bottom TCP Dynamic Ports (let it blank) and enter TCP port 1433 :

Sql Configuration Manager TCP\IP

Sql Configuration Manager TCP\IP

After this you the application should connect to the sql server.

Commerce Server 2009
By Ing. Msc. Dan Gheorghe

with the help of Catalin Manole

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  1. Deepak

     /  November 11, 2009

    I am interested to design and develop smart device applications in .net technology.

    this article is very helpful for me.thanks of lot.

    i want more tutorial for same purpose.

    Deepak Sharma.

  2. Sebastian Greco

     /  December 29, 2009

    you are the man, this is the only place where i found the answer. thanks

  3. Sedat Yüksel

     /  June 30, 2010

    I take an error. “Cannot find PInvoke DLL ‘dbnetlib.dll'”.
    Please help me.

  4. MobileGC

     /  August 17, 2012

    Hi, very nice!
    just one more input: on an XP machine it works without Virtual PC, I’m wondering what Virtual PC brings on Vista or Win7?


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